Upload and Download not working

Tried to upload a file to my server and all it does is spit out the curl line each time. I am running Catalina 10.15.3. I looked at your troubleshooting but that isn't an issue I don't use .bashrc. Here is what it does, BTW your .bashrc_Core_Shell is present as well as the line in .bash_profile. Also the download is greyed out even if I highlight a file???

andy@server-2 ~ % curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/codinn/core-shell-scripts/master/bashrc_Core_Shell -o ~/.bashrc_Core_Shell && . ~/.bashrc_Core_Shell && grep -qs ".bashrc_Core_Shell" ~/.bash_profile || echo $'\n[[ -n "$SSH_TTY" || -n "$SSH_CONNECTION" ]] && [ -r "$HOME/.bashrc_Core_Shell" ] && . "$HOME/.bashrc_Core_Shell"' >> ~/.bash_profile

Hi Andy, could you please run this command in Core Shell:


and tell me the result?




It's a sign that .bashrc_Core_Shell was loaded properly, but update_coreshell_cwd didn't report current working directory properly.

Could you please run:

echo $TMUX

And could you please also try running the Core Shell working directory extension directly?


Then check whether the download menu still greyed out.


Going from Mac to Mac Catalina. The variables don’t exist for macOS but do for Linux.


andy@macsrv-2 ~ % echo $TMUX


andy@macsrv-2 ~ % update_coreshell_cwd

update_coreshell_cwd:11: unrecognized modifier `i’

andy@macsrv-2 ~ % bash --version

GNU bash, version 3.2.57(1)-release (x86_64-apple-darwin19)

Copyright (C) 2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc.

RedHat 8:

Ok we are good. I tested on red-hot worked fine. Catalina changed to zsh and I changed my session to bash but the $SHELL was still using zsh since I didn’t logout or reinitiate my session, thanks. Make a blurb on your side about the Catalina and zsh in case someone runs into it. thanks Andy

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Andy, thanks a lot for the information and the remind, I'm going to add zsh support in next update.


Its a nice tool, I have always used aliases for my repetitive ssh takes but this keeps it nice and tidy, thanks Andy

Hi Andy, sorry, I forgot update this thread, Zsh was supported in Core Shell 2.0 and later.

Please follow the instruction:

To enable Zsh integration on your host, first log out and then log back in the host, then select Shell > Enable Reporting Current Working Directory from main menu.

Please let me know if you need assistance.
