Quick Connect - No Host

Hi Everyone.

This may already be available but I have not found it yet. It would be nice if there was like a quick connect feature where you dont have to make a full host you can press a button and get a text box which you type an address into you can just connect.

Maybe all it would have is a input box for server url and a key selection or the quick connects settings could be defined in the settings meaning only an input box.

Going on from this you could have a history list of all the 'quick connects' and you can choose to make these proper 'hosts' at a later date.


Joe, thank you for the suggestion. Core Shell does not have Quick Connect.

I know lots of ssh and sftp apps provide similar feature, but for Core Shell, you can do the task in a more flexible way.

First, install Core Helper:

After Core Helper installed, you are able to open a local shell using shortcut Option + Command + N or T

Type ssh command in the newly opened shell window, and you are all set.

Compared to "Quick Connect", using local shell means you can control the connection in a very flexible way: you can break the connection at any time, change ssh options on connection failure, and bash will take care of command history.

Since Core Shell can open local shells, I see little reason to add a separate "Quick Connect" function.

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Hi Yang,

Thank you for your reply.

This doesn't help my problem. Im wanting something quick and fast to be able to connect to servers. Why would I download yet another program to do something that my laptop can already do? The only benefit to using core helper is I get the shell in a tab and that it.


Core Helper is not "yet another program", it's a vital component to make Core Shell a full-featured SSH client, it's part of Core Shell. For App Store's sandboxing policy, it must be delivered separately. You don't have to install Core Helper if you install Core Shell on Setapp.

Besides local shell, you can benefit from Core Helper:

  1. Access authentication agent (e.g. ssh-agent, gpg-agent)
  2. Reuse of /etc/ssh_config and ~/.ssh/config
  3. Reuse of /etc/ssh/ssh_known_hosts and ~/.ssh/known_hosts
  4. Set one of following ssh directives:
    • ProxyCommand
    • ProxyUseFdpass
    • UserKnownHostsFile
    • CertificateFile
    • IdentityAgent
    • IdentityFile
    • ControlMaster
    • ControlPath
    • ControlPersist
    • LocalCommand
    • PermitLocalCommand
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A button to start Local Shell is also provided on the TouchBar for devices so equipped - in fact it is the only Touch Bar button!