Open Core Shell from command line and other apps

Core Shell supports custom URL scheme coreshell:, other apps can trigger Core Shell to open a shell window with specific options.

URL Specification

Existing Profile

Parameter Type Note
name String The profile name.
newtab true/false true to open in new tab, false (the default) to open in new window.

To open a terminal window with an existing profile, you can craft a URL like this:


Replace "FancyProfile" with a real profile name.


Parameter Type Note
name String The default title name of the terminal window/ tab.
newtab Bool true to open in new tab, false (the default) to open in new window.
CoColorScheme String Specify the color scheme of the terminal window/ tab.
CoPrivateKeyName String The name of an imported private key will be used when connecting.
CoCertificateName String The name of an imported certificates will be used when connecting.
CoRetryAttempts Number Number of attempts before stop connecting.

You can specify the destination in the form of:


Directives in ssh_config.5 are supported:


Above URL tells Core Shell to open a terminal window in new tab, then connects to host-address with ConnectTimeout set to 100, LogLevel set to DEBUG3 and PreferredAuthentications allows password.

And color scheme can be designated by the URL query parameter CoColorScheme:


Encode URL

If your profile name or query parameter contains reserved characters or non-ASCII characters, you must encode the URL before using it in other apps.

For example, if you name the profile "My Fancy Profile" which contains whitespaces, do not craft the URL like this:

❌ coreshell:profile?name=My Fancy Profile

Whitespace is reversed character, so above URL won't work. It should be encoded, the correct one is:

✅ coreshell:profile?name=My%20Fancy%20Profile

This command can help you generate a percent encoded parameter value:

echo "My Fancy Profile" | python3 -c "import urllib.parse;print(urllib.parse.quote(input()))"

Command Line

To trigger Core Shell open a shell window from command line, you simply run open command and pass an encoded coreshell: URL in:

open "coreshell:profile?name=My%20Fancy%20Profile"


open "coreshell://user@host-address:22?CoColorScheme=Red%20Sands&ConnectTimeout=100&LogLevel=DEBUG3&PreferredAuthentications=password"