I've noticed an odd bug with the latest version of CoreShell (3.5).
I'm using ZSH, with Oh-My-ZSH installed, with the autocomplete extension. When I start typing a command I've used before, I get an autocomplete popup that I can either ignore or use to auto-complete the command.
When a suggestion pops up, I can't see the cursor anymore. It's clearly still there, but it's an opaque square that covers up the character beneath it. Right now, it's black on a black background when it bugs (instead of green on a black background), which is fairly confusing.
It's been entirely too long since I've coded anything, and I never did a lot of GUI work, but I wonder if this might be an alpha channel issue?
Looks like I misspoke. I'm using antigen as my plugins manager, with the following plugins installed and at the latest version:
Updating robbyrussell/oh-my-zsh@master... Done. Took 1s.
Updating romkatv/powerlevel10k@master... Done. Took 1s.
Updating zsh-users/zsh-autosuggestions@master... Done. Took 0s.
Updating zsh-users/zsh-completions@master... Done. Took 1s.
Updating zsh-users/zsh-syntax-highlighting@master... Done. Took 1s.