What's new – SSH Tunnel

Version 18.11 (Nov 19, 2018)

Help pages are moved to https://community.codinn.com/c/general/legacy , this update major purpose is to reflect the change.

Version 18.05.1 (May 19, 2018)

Although SSH Tunnel reaches its “end of life”, some customers find that the app performs well and have no recent plan to upgrade to Core Tunnel.

We completely understand, so with this hot-fix release, we add an option allows users silent the EOL nag window.

Version 18.05 (May 05, 2018)

Last maintenance release of SSH Tunnel.
We highly recommend that you switch to Core Tunnel at this point.

Learn more: https://community.codinn.com/t/372

Version 16.07 (Jul 21, 2016)

With SSH Tunnel 16.07, you are able to add note to every single port forwarding.

Besides, this update includes some improvements:

  • Auto-completion for SSH host, username, bind address and target address
  • Enhanced stability and performance
  • Minor UI tune

And also fixes several bugs:

  • Fixed using “*” as bind_address does not make remote side bind to all available interfaces
  • Fixed a resizing glitch in left sidebar list pane

Version 16.03.1 (Mar 09, 2016)

This hot-fix release solved following bugs introduced in version 16.03:

  • Critical bug: crashes while sending large amount of data
  • Fixed: crashes if server contains illegal characters
  • Main window can be resized to a smaller size

Version 16.03 (Mar 02, 2016)

  1. Fixed: respect “Address Family” strictly on the local side
  2. Fixed: make initial data-exchange more responsive
  3. Fixed: respect strict host key check setting
  4. Fixed: refine Window Menu to make it comply with OS X Human Interface Guidelines
  5. Added: able to duplicate a port forwarding by clicking “Actions”, “Duplicate…” from main menu
  6. Added: use current selected tunnel name as window title
  7. Added: make tunnel name editable on left list panel, and remove “Name:” field from right summary panel
  8. Added: list enabled authentication methods on right summary panel
  9. Improved: port forwarding list grows automatically until reaches the bottom edge of screen
  10. Other minor improvements

Version 15.11 (Nov 11, 2015)

  1. Retry if remote port forwarding failed to establish
  2. Able to reorder port forwarding listing
  3. Recognize and label common ports automatically (e.g. mark “https” for port 443)
  4. Shows corresponding ssh command string in full log
  5. Improve data exchange performance
  6. Improve penetrability for some firewalls that only open 80 (HTTP) and 443 (HTTPS) ports

Version 15.09 (Sep 19, 2015)

  1. Various UI improvements
  2. Smooth animation effects while editing/deleting/adding tunnels
  3. Green color on successful in log popup view
  4. Fix a bug that prevents automatic reconnection after system reboot

Version 15.08 (Aug 08, 2015)

In this release, we introduced a simple data flow visualization to make the port forwarding configuration more intuitive.

Another big feature is the support of HTTP and HTTPS (aka. SSL) proxy types, in additional to the SOCKS 5 proxy (aka. Dynamic Port Forwarding) type.

  1. a simple data flow visualization to assist port forwarding configuration
  2. Dynamic port forwarding now support HTTP, HTTPS (aka. SSL) proxy types
  3. Added support for ed25519 keys which OpenSSH supports since version 6.5
  4. Added SHA2 algorithms for HMAC
  5. Able to multi-select tunnels from left-side panel
  6. Added context menu for left-side panel (right click on tunnel)

Version 15.05 (May 23, 2015)

  1. Smart Group comes to help classify your tunnels
  2. Able to connect via network interfaces created by VPN
  3. Colorful logs
  4. Tons of user interface and performance improvements
  5. Fix a bug that causing data transfer rate randomly slows down
  6. Lots of minor bug fixes

Version 15.03.2 (Apr 07, 2015)

  • Fix: could not create multiple Remote Port Forwarding in one tunnel

Version 15.03.1 (Mar 26, 2015)

This hot-fix release solved following bugs introduced in version 15.03

  1. Fix: existing authentication method was reset to “Interactive”
  2. Fix: potential crash while using remote port forwarding
  3. Fix: incorrect multi-factor authentication help description

Version 15.03 (Mar 18, 2015)

  1. Multi-factor authentication support
  2. List all port forwardings on right-side panel
  3. Able to set host key algorithms, key exchange algorithms, and ciphers
  4. Turn off tunnel becomes faster
  5. Minor bugfixes
  6. Lots of improvements

Version 15.02.1 (Feb 10, 2015)

  1. Support PKCS#8 private key format
  2. New “Connect via Interface” option, allows connecting to SSH server via particular interface
  3. Fix a bug cause the app become unresponsive under “Menu bar icon” mode while password / passphrase dialog pops up

Version 15.02 (Feb 2, 2015)

  1. Add a new “Interactive” (aka. keyboard-interactive) authentication method
  2. Able to set bind address for port forwarding
  3. Support Google Authenticator and Authy two factor authentication
  4. Polished logo, user interface and icons are redesigned and optimized for OS X 10.10
  5. Fix a bug that prevents reconnecting after awake from sleep
  6. In addition to “Dock icon” and “Menu bar icon”, a new “Both” mode was introduced

Version 14.08 (Aug 26, 2014)

  1. Import from / Export as JSON file
  2. Able to add comment to tunnel
  3. Left and right panes width are adjustable
  4. Improve keychain integration
  5. Other usability improvements
  6. Fix crash while run as root user (launch with “sudo” command, but keychain integration will be disabled in the situation)
  7. Fix port forwarding item list collapse while the total number more than 6
  8. Fix dock icon sometimes does not disappear on “Menu bar icon” mode

Version 14.07 (Jul 22, 2014)

  1. Individual port forwarding can be enabled or disabled at will
  2. Main window can be resized now
  3. Fix channels failure lead to tunnel status disordered
  4. Move “About” panel to “Preferences…” window
  5. Add contributors to acknowledgment
  6. Some minor bug fixes

Version 14.06 (Jul 11, 2014)

  1. Can switch between Dock icon and Menu bar icon modes
  2. Able to create multiple port forwarding connections within single tunnel
  3. Add more advanced ssh options
  4. Configure proxy separately for each tunnel
  5. Add Dock context menu to quick enable / disable tunnel
  6. More detailed connection log
  7. Cleanup ssh tunnels while terminated abnormally
  8. Fix dock menu greyed out while app lose focus
  9. Tons of improvements and bug fixes

Version 14.03 (Mar 10, 2014)

  1. Add support for public / private key authentication
  2. Compatible with OS X 10.7
  3. Autofill password
  4. New logo and icon set
  5. User interface improvement
  6. Other minor bug fixes

Version 13.12 (Feb 13, 2014)

Initial public release

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