Switch tabs works only with CMD+N

Good morning,
I have just downloaded core-shell and started playing with it.
At the beginning I can switch tab by clicking with the mouse, but after few minutes the tabs are like blocked. If I click nothing happens, whereas if I use CMD+N (N=1,2, etc...) it works.

Many thanks

Thanks for reporting the issue.

Which version of macOS are you using? Is this issue reproducible? If yes, could you please elaborate steps?

Kindly Regards,


Dear yang,

Thank you very much for your prompt reply.
I’m on a Mac M3 Pro with the operating system Sonoma version 14.2.1.

Basically, I have set up different profiles. I open more than one profile and I’m able to switch from one to the other either using the CMD+N (N=1,23…) and the mouse click. Then, if I upload or download a file to one of the tabs, the tab gets stuck. Meaning that if I click on another tab nothing happens. The only way to switch tab at that point is CMD+N (N=1,23…). Not a big deal, but I’m just curious as why it happens. I have seen this behaviour so far only when I upload or download files.

Many thanks and regards,

I'm working on a new release, will try to fix it in next update.

Kindly Regards,


Many thanks.


Alessandro, sorry for forgot update this topic, it should be fixed in recent releases.



Thanks for sharing :slightly_smiling_face: