Ssh/config as source of truth


Is it on the roadmap for Core Shell (and Core Tunnel) to use ~/.ssh/config to store all it's entries? After all that would follow the OpenSSH standard, correct? I have another tool that does just that, SSH Config Editor. It seems to handle the config entries just fine.

The same could be true for Core Tunnel, just list the config entries with tunnels and port configs.


Hi Mikael, thanks a lot for the suggestion and sorry for late response.

There are a couple of problems prevent Core Shell/ Tunnel storing entries in ~/.ssh/config:

  1. Some config options could not find correspondences in ssh_config, such as favor icon, color schemes, and port forwarding notes etc.
  2. For sandbox policies, Core Shell/ Tunnel do not have permission to access ~/.ssh/ssh_config initially. The app must prompt user for access authority to read/write ~/.ssh_config before it could function properly, and I do not don't think this is a user friendly solution.



I see that you can now edit ~/.ssh/config in the 3.5 beta. It would be nice if the entries in there could show up as profiles in the list of profiles. That's what I would expect since that's where I keep all my ssh entries:-)


Hi Mikael,

Use ~/.ssh/config as profile data-store is not realistic, user edits mingle with Core Shell/ Tunnel edits, and mess with Host and Match directives, things go complicate.

Importing entries from config is practical, will add this in dev pipeline.

Kindly Regards,



Importing / read only would go a long way. Maybe automatic tagging so it's clear where the entries comes from. For the most part I just edit the config file using any text editor but there is a tool I've had for years that is very functional, SSH Config Editor.


Brilliant idea. One problem of the imported read-only ~/ssh/config profiles is that they would miss favor icon and color schemes etc.
