Show connected tunnels in menu bar dropdown


The dropdown menu bar for Core Tunnel isn't very informative or useful as it is. All I see is the list of tags I defined. To see connected tunnels I need to visit every one of the tags to have the sub menus drop down as well.

Suggestion: Show the connected tunnels at the top of the dropdown menu.


this is a good idea! i second this feature request!

Thank you for the suggestion :smiley: The dropdown menu bar will be redesigned in next update, some initial thoughts:

  1. Encapsulate all tag sub-menus in to a direct child menu of menu bar
  2. List recent 20 tunnels sorting by connection status

Please feel free to leave any comments here @mikael.fransson @pucicu



I got the idea when I saw this other tunnel manager, Secure Pipes, that I had in my download folder. Always hoarding cool stuff. Secure Pipes doesn't do nearly as many things as Core Tunnel but I liked this view of the running tunnels.


Having something like this for running tunnels would give a better overview. If I delete all the tags I had in Core Tunnel it gives the same view actually. So ironically the tags doesn't add value in the drop down menu but they still do in the main window. Maybe the solution is to ignore the tags in the drop down menu?



Some users maintain hundreds of tunnels, list all tunnels in the dropdown menu make things worser for those users. The two solutions are two sides of the same coin.

List recent 20 tunnels (or more) sorting by connection status should provides right balance for everyone.



That sounds like a good compromise. I'm nowhere near 20 connections active at any point in time. Maybe even make this optional in the settings. List by tag or active tunnels...

For me it's ok to remove the tags for now as I only have 10-20 tunnels in total. I can just play with the display names and I prefixed them with a number now so the sort the way I want.


Something like this would be amazing, if it were a simple tag called "active" or something. I have 40+ tunnels and sometimes I need to make sure that 5-6 of them are 100% not active, at the moment I have to search for them individually (they are not always the same 5-6, otherwise I would have a specific tag for them).

Could the currently connected tunnel(s) be displayed at the root of the drop down menu? And also display any currently forwarded ports for each? This would be between the "connect/disconnect all" section and then the list of tags.


I don't want to have to dig into each tag submenu to find what is and isn't connected. I also don't want to open the main window to see the ports I have forwarded (and which services to which ports). I wouldn't mind just seeing "port: description" in the list...