Everything went fine when I created my first connection yesterday, but I am now trying to create a second one today and the window keeps freezing for over a minute after I enter anything in any of the fields and moving to another one. With patience, I managed to enter all the information needed to create my tunnels for that connection, but pressing Create freezes the app for good and it never recovers from Not Responding.
Hi Jean, thank you for the feedback, I'm sorry about the problem. Are you using Core Tunnel version 2.5? You can find the version number from main menu *Core Tunnel -> About Core Tunnel".
Hi Jean, are you able to reproduce the issue? I ran Core Tunnel on exactly the same version of macOS (i.e. 10.15.7), but unfortunately could not reproduce the issue.
Nope, my macOS setup is pretty barebones, I have almost every Apple service banned in Little Snitch and pf, never used iCloud and mostly live in iterm2 =)
Yes, the issue is reproducible and it surely has something to do with "tunnel name" input field, since CPU load occurs only when the input field is focused and one is trying to type something.
@Alexander_Saar The hotfix version 2.5.1 is public released, please upgrade to this official release, let me know if this version still could remember your ssh fingerprint.