Multiple executoin feature

I was just wondering if a multi window execution feature is possible in Core Shell.

I was using MobaXterm for a while in Windows and this is one of the features that really impressed me.

My multi window execution, I meant;

  1. The main window will be split up into 2 or 4 or 6 or 8 or as user wish.
  2. Users may open same / different IPs in multiple windows and while they type, the input will be recorded in all open windows.
  3. USer may prevent execution in any one (or many as he wish) window using a checkbox, so that the input will be given to other windows.

This is a very helpful feature, especially while working on same task across multiple VMs

Warm Regards,

It's not supported by Core Shell at this moment, but we certainly will consider it in future release.

Thank you very much for the suggestion.


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Thank you @yang for considering my suggestion.

Best Regards,