Import (or integrate with) the existing hosts in /.ssh/config

Hi there,


I've installed your Core Shell app via SetApp.

It's a great looking app, and I can see how it would be very handy.

I was anticipating that it would automatically make available the 100+ hosts I have in my /.ssh/config file. Considering it's an app designed as an alternative to using the standard Terminal interface for working SSH sessions, I would have thought it only logical that it would import and grant access to whatever hosts one has set up in Terminal.

Partial Solutions Found

I've found the posts in this forum that state I can use the same host name in Core Shell as what I have in Terminal shell. And that's useful. However, this still means I have to add 100+ new hosts in Core Shell.

Feature Suggestion

I suggest adding a way to import the data in the existing Terminal shell (/.ssh/config), or to directly access those existing hosts. However you decide to go about it, the end result would be that people already using SSH via Mac Terminal (pretty much all your users, I suspect) won't have to set up all their hosts again in your app.

In the mean time ...

In the mean time, I will continue to manage my host data in SSH CONFIG EDITOR, and handle the actual SSH shell sessions in iTerm (or Terminal).

Keep up the great work.



Hi Jonathan, thank you very much for your well-organized suggestion.

I've added this feature in our dev pipeline, will update this thread once we set to work on it.

Thank you again for the suggestion.


Thanks Yang. I look forward to it. I'm keen to make use of your app.

Hi Yang.Y,
It's been over a year. Has any progress been made on this?
It seems like an essential feature to me. There's no way users with a large number of existing hosts will want to set them all up again, when all the necessary data is already on their computer (in the .known_hosts and .config files, etc.)



Hi Jonathan, it will be on schedule once Core Shell for iOS is public released.

Kindly Regards,


Hi there ...

Is it possible yet to import existing connections from ~/.ssh/.known_hosts and ~/.ssh/config? Prior to getting on board with Core Shell, I've been using SSH CONFIG EDITOR app to manage my connections. Which, as you know, stores the connection data in the default files of the user.

Yet, I am still not seeing those show up in Core Shell Profiles, nor do I see a way to import them.

It's soon approaching four years since I first brought this up. I'd understood it's something you were going to implement, presumably in 2022.

Please advise.

Jonathan, I'm sorry for the long delay. The iOS version has much more technical issues than I expected.

The good news is iOS version is coming soon, and you can apply for early Beta Program from Codinn Beta Program

The UI of Core Shell will be revamped with Apple's new tech, and hosts/known_hosts importing will be considered.

Thank you,
