Hi, I am still getting the [CryptorRSA.CryptorRSA.Error error 1] on Core Tunnel 3.0.1
I'm investigating this issue, will try to fix it in next update.
Hi Yang, do you need any diagnostics?
Will make beta release tomorrow, welcome feedback by then
Hi Greg, we just released Core Tunnel 3.5 Beta, and invited you join our Beta Program.
I believe CryptorRSA error is fixed in this beta, could you please download the beta binary and give it a try?
Thanks a lot,
Hi yang. Iwill be happy to
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Hi Yang, the beta has fix the CryptorRSA error, one small problem is the connect/disconnect button does not change is label from “connect” to “disconnect” when you are connected to the tunnel.
I'm investigating this issue, will fix it in next beta.
Thank you very much for beta feedback.
Hi Greg,
This issue has been fixed in fresh baked Core Tunnel 3.5 Beta 2, please let me know if you still run into this problem.
Thank you very much for helping.
Hi Yang, with the update of the production version of core tunnel to 3.5 yesterday, the CryptorRSA issue seems to still be there. This was fixed in beta2, but seems to have reverted.
Yesterday, I ran into this problem accidentally, and I found it's not a problem of Core Shell/ Tunnel, it's actually caused by some mysterious security API changes in macOS Big Sur.
I've changed mechanism in version 3.5.1, and this issue should be fixed permanently, will release this version soon.
Thank you,
Thank you sir.
Core Shell/ Tunnel 3.5.1 has released, CryptorRSA.Error issue should has been ended.
Thank you again for helping.
Kindly Regards,