Hi guys!
When I upgrade my macbook m1 air to the latest Ventura 13.6.6, All the connection from Core Tunnel failed with following error messages shows in the log.
Equivalent Command: ssh -N -i "/xxxxxx/Library/Group Containers/E78WKS7W4U.io.coressh.ssh/.ssh/privatekey/id_rsa_xxxx" -o ServerAliveCountMax=3 -o ExitOnForwardFailure=yes -o ServerAliveInterval=15 -p 22 user@xserver
11:56:09 Connecting…
11:56:09 The OpenSSH process terminated unexpectedly.
11:56:09 Abnormal Disconnect
11:56:09 Connection failed, retry after 3s…
Core Tunnel is a damn good app for my working life!!! If there is a bug, I hope it can be fixed as soon as possible.