Hi! Thank you for this great app. I was wondering if there is any way to add a new host externally (for example from a Python Script).
I'm working on a small script in Python to automate some tasks in servers and would like to add a new host to Core Shell from the script. Is or will this be possible?
Hi! Thank you for your fast answer.
I'm automating some stuff for (Wordpress) websites creation using wp-cli and my host's API. Their API allows me to add ssh credentials to each site, which I can access using their API and I thought it would be faster to add a host to core ssh each time I create a new site automatically. Because of that I wanted to know if it was possible or if I should think another way to do something similar. (I'll have to think something else).
From Core Shell: Name, tag, Host (IP), User, Private Key (and maybe password if Key is not available). At the moment all the other default Core Shell setting are ok for me.