Abnormal Disconnect (suddenly)

It seemed Core Helper agent exited accidentally.

When the next time you run into "Abnormal disconnect" issue, please first run

ps aux | grep coressh

in Terminal.app, and you should get output like this:

yang              4010   0.0  0.0 408543520   3360   ??  S     5:31PM   0:00.02 E78WKS7W4U.io.coressh.ShellHelper
yang              4745   0.0  0.0 407962720     48 s014  R+    6:07PM   0:00.00 grep coressh
yang              4542   0.0  0.1 409509264  15840   ??  S     6:04PM   0:00.05 /Users/yang/Library/Group Containers/E78WKS7W4U.io.coressh/io.coressh.Helper.app/Contents/MacOS/io.coressh.Helper

But if it prints:

yang              4745   0.0  0.0 407962720     48 s014  R+    6:07PM   0:00.00 grep coressh

It indicates Core Helper agent exited for various reasons (killed or abnormal exit). For this case, instead of reinstall Core Helper, try run this command to load Core Helper agent again:

launchctl load ~/Library/LaunchAgents/E78WKS7W4U.io.coressh.helper.plist

And then execute ps again:

ps aux | grep coressh

You should see three items printed.

Also, could you please Enable logging and paste the desensitized output?

Kindly Regards,
