Migrate from SSH Tunnel


  • Core Tunnel: 1.0 or later
  • SSH Tunnel: 16.07 or later


  1. Export tunnels from SSH Tunnel, file name must end with .json suffix
  2. Open Core Tunnel, click File > Import… from main menu, and select the JSON file
  3. Done


  1. Core Tunnel will not import a tunnel which its name same as an existing one
  2. Not all the options in SSH Tunnel can be recognized by Core Tunnel, it does not mean Core Tunnel lacks those abilities, but requires you config it manually:
    • Connect via InterfaceBind Address: you must specify the IP or host name explicitly, e.g. Yangs-MacBook-Pro.local or
    • Connecting through a proxy ➝ use Proxy Jump if the target host must be connected through a bastion server.
    • Host Key AlgorithmsHostKeyAlgorithms in Advanced tab
    • Key Exchange AlgorithmsKexAlgorithms in Advanced tab
    • CiphersCiphers in Advanced tab
  3. Authentication ➝ in general, you don't need to worry about which authentication method should take, the matched method will be used by Core Tunnel automatically. Consult KbdInteractiveAuthentication, PasswordAuthentication, PubkeyAuthentication and PreferredAuthentications options in Advanced tab if you want to force Core Tunnel use a specified method. For Public Key, you must import the key, or you can install the Helper tool before connecting.